"He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:2-4
This is what I said: "There are benefits to making a difference in the world when you are young. Do you try to make a difference? No offense at all, but for me, in this fallen world, I believe that I already have a responsibility to live for Jesus and shine my light to the broken and discouraged people around me. Teenagers have such a terrible stereotype and I want to break it. We are not lazy. We do care for the world and the people in it, so we better show it through our actions."
I still believe that, but it makes me wonder what kind of child are we supposed to be living like. The worldly image of a child and the Heavenly Father's children are complete contrasts.
The world expects and encourages us to do, be, think, etc. whatever you want to be happy. That's where the stereotype comes from. There are many of my fellow teenagers that don't really care about anything but themselves and some that don't even realize that they have a duty. I have been both of those teenagers myself. Satan is working in the world to get it to turn away from God. This may mean that the teenagers may be tempted to turn towards themselves and to try to live on their own with things from the world. This is the worldly child. It is easy to be one of these. ( I know from experience... ) It make sense that you only get a chance to be a worldly child once. However, a worldly child turns into a worldly adult and it is hard to break those early-built bonds and habits in that stage. Thankfully, Jesus is graceful. He gives us the strength to turn back if we are lost when we have faith in Him. The point is, though, that the world says to be that kind of child while you have the chance.
We are to be children of God. On one hand we should be children who get up again when we fall because we know we have a Savior and treasure in Heaven; children who are important with Christ. On the other hand, we need to be humble like a child; putting others before us. We should glorify God by our actions in everything we do. We are not citizens of this world, but citizens of heaven going through the world. This is who I am with Christ. I am not perfect; not by a long shot. Through Christ's strength, I will strive to be holy because He is holy and make a difference in the world for His good.
I do not understand what exactly my classmate meant by what was said, but I do know that we have a big choice to make as young human beings and even as adults, I guess. Which child are we gonna be? The worldly child or the Heavenly Father's child?
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