January 29, 2018


       I wrote this for my college blog. It is exactly the same as the old school blog, just on the college site. :)

        With more and more entertainment filling our lives, more messages entering our brains, more false morals being taught in movies, books, television, advertisements, and more, the idea of anything having purpose has slipped from our thoughts, as Satan wants it to. Purpose is a thing that makes us uncomfortable, and we strive to avoid interacting with it for that reason, but we end up fulfilling a purpose anyway, God's or the world's. Wouldn't it just be great if we could just sit on the fence and not worry about making any moral choices? Maybe. . . . If you completely ignored the consequences of choosing or not choosing to love the Creator God.

       Let me clear this up a bit. This whole controversy revolves around a dilemma: every human being has a purpose, so are we gonna choose the purpose designed for us or are we gonna live our own purpose; act out a play written by ourselves? If God knew our names before the creation of the world, if He knit us in our mothers' wombs to all be fearfully and wonderfully made, if He cared enough to fulfill all of history with His coming, dying and resurrecting all to be united with us in Heaven to the amplification of His glory in the universe and the heavenly realms, that the angels and demons may see the power of God, then He has a plan, a purpose, for you. For me. For all people on Earth, if only they will choose Him.

       Why does anyone choose anything else, then? Well, generally, human beings tend to forget the love of God. Obviously. But also, there is someone else we forget about too: Satan. He likes to be anonymous, old, and forgotten, because that means his job of distracting us is much easier. He talks to to us and we hear his voice all the time in the music, movies, and other media we allow ourselves to interact with. Though we do not see his face or recognize it as the devil, his incantations are blaring in our ears, flashing in our eyes, its sounds waves vibrate the windows and doors to our hearts. And he will sneak in as the walls disintegrate and crumble away. And this is usually gradual, when a person seemingly grabs hold of his own life and world piece by piece, becoming his own god and expecting the world to yield to him, whereas he is unconsciously paying homage to the father of lies and both will be cast into the lake of fire. All of that because we slowly start believing the lies of the world that are carefully and deceitfully woven into the common, everyday media we experience. Same for those who are saved as well; these lies distract us and try to pry us away, they make us arrogant and demanding, and they take the focus off God. It starts with our sinful desires and it continues as long as we leave our hearts unguarded. We forget our purpose or choose another one because we let the voice of lies drown out the truth.

       SO. You don't want that, do you? Me neither. You wanna hear what your unique, individual purpose is? Alright, I'll tell you. Hehe, I don't know. But it follows the basic format of being a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ: love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Guard the Holy Spirit of love in your heart (don't let it get crowded by lies of the world), devote all parts of your being to his service, think about Him and retain a pure mind by staying in prayer with Him and by filling it up with the wisdom of His Word, and work for Him, do righteous things! Wait, though, let me make this clear. It's a bit of a touchy subject and I don't want to be misunderstood. You don't have to do righteous things to be saved. Doing righteous things comes from being saved. All you gotta do to be saved is to believe the Truth, and doing righteous things is the immediate outcome of knowing and believing the Truth (<--- Capital 'T' there).

       What is the Truth? God so loved the world that He sent His only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus came to live a perfect life, die a gruesome death, and pay for the sins of the world, specifically for you. But He didn't stay dead. He rose from the grave, condemning death and darkness, that we believers, who have His Spirit in us, may also defeat death and live with Him for all eternity. That is the Truth. For more information on Truth, see the Bible. Please don't start in Leviticus, though. Start with the gospels at the beginning of the New Testament. :D For more information on living by the Spirit, see Romans 8.

       Your unique, individual purpose will be revealed to you as you walk humbly and faithfully with God. Don't be deceived by the world!

I'm done. :)

       P.S. I do not want to plagiarize my Lord. I referenced, paraphrased, or quoted His Word several time in there, and do not want to look up the references right now.

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