March 1, 2016

How to enjoy Lord of the Flies

      With extra precaution from my sisters previous experience with this book, (that is, the way she wanted to personally take a pair of scissors and cut each page into invisible particles of dust, then burn the pile in the fire,) I made several decisions that helped me actually enjoy the book. If you are one of my fellow 9th graders, I'm sorry if this is too late...

#1 Do not start at the beginning. Read the ends of chapter 9 and 11 before getting attached to the characters. (I know this is normally a no-no in reading, but unless you want to feel like locking yourself in your room for three day while losing your voice by screaming into a pillow the whole time, this is my recommendation for before you get to know the characters and actually like them.)

#2 If it helps, (or if it is possible for you, which it wasn't for me, but this is just a suggestion,) think of the boys as men in their 20s or 30s. I don't know; Golding is good at explaining that they are only boys, but I started off like this. This probably won't work. What do you guys think?

#3 Depending on your spirit when it comes to book-emotions, and now that you know what happens to the two nice characters, it comes to a decision.
1. If you are stronger spirited, if you know what I mean, you can cautiously start attaching yourself to the characters towards the middle of the book when the turmoil starts.

2. If you are more tender spirited like me, (again if you know what I mean) you can choose to stay unattached to any characters so that you can take in the main ideas without taking scissors to the book. (There are really good thoughts/ discussion starters in this book.)

3. You may also choose to take in the full intent that Golding had and fully attach to the characters and get depressed when your done. If you have time and the availability to sacrifice your attitude for the rest of the day, go ahead. :) (Wait, was sacrifice the right word to use?) >:)
I ended up getting half attached to the characters, so I was pretty upset, but I managed to control myself.

#4 Take some time to think about it before responding to it towards others. There is a good amount of truth in this book, yet it is probably over exaggerated in the way that children are doing these things.

     I did enjoy reading this book, and I had an amazing talk with my family about it. I hope my younger sister and brother will be able to find this helpful when it is her turn. This is another classic example of a story that has excluded God from everything. What would it be like if God was included somehow?

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to see this post in the middle of your art. I like your thoughtfulness in both!


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